Friday, 18 January 2019

NYE 2018

I don't usually do much for NYE, perhaps dinner out somewhere but then it is usually back home for pyjamas and tea in front of the fireworks on the tv. One year we did go to Somerset house and watch the London fireworks from there, which was a great experience but it involved a lot of waiting around in the cold (easily three hours) trying to secure a good spot for the display. 

However this year I noticed just a few days before NYE that the Natural History Museum still had tickets left for their 'champagne on ice" New Years Eve skate session and as it would just be my boyfriend and I celebrating this year, it seemed like it could be fun. 

We turned up about 10.15 to enjoy the champagne included in our ticket and were one of the first customers there, yet they had already run out of champagne and were serving prosecco instead, which I did think was a little poor. Apart from this however we did have a good time and mused how sensible it was to be getting on the ice after the champagne as we strapped on our skates. 

The DJ played music until the New Year countdown began and we stopped skating to ring in the new year. It was a pleasant and joyful atmosphere at the rink and although it did get a little crowded at times, after midnight people starting leaving and it got much quieter as we skated for the last half an hour of the session. 

It was a fun way to celebrate the new year and by the time we got back I couldn't wait to go to sleep as I was so tired from skating!

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