Sunday, 21 April 2013

Updates from the week

It's been a windy and cold day here following an otherwise sunny week, so I decided to stay indoors for most of the day. At lunch time I decided to quickly pot up the 19 cherry tomato seedlings which had outgrown their small propagator. I was beginning to regret this an hour and a half later when I still wasn't done and had run out of plastic pots, but got there eventually, and have found that water bottles cut in half make a good plant pot/greenhouse pot in one.

Yesterday I planted some pretty viola plants in old terracotta pots that had just been lying about in the garden. I had been to the garden centre and found some greatly reduced flowers, mostly just because a few out of the tray had withered, so I picked up a tray of violas for 10p, and watered them at home and left them overnight. The following day I moved them all into their own pots and 16 out of the 20 plants from the tray were potted up, and although one more has since withered away the remaining 15 plants have picked up and are looking very healthy.

As we have a guest for dinner this evening I've also made a chocolate cake for dessert, I've already had a taster of the fudge icing and its yummy. I'll add a few strawberries and might dust it with cocoa powder to serve.

And finally, earlier this week I had a second attempt at the cinnamon rolls which I blogged about here, and I think it was slightly more successful as they're looking a lot more like rolls now!

I've also purchased a few things this weekend but I'm off to Primark tomorrow so shall wait and see if I have anything else to add to my haul before I blog about them!

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